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A comprehensive guide to all Bear's features

Get Started

A good place for beginning a new journey

What's New in Bear 2 Markdown Bear Pro Tables Import Notes to Bear

Edit and format

Discover how add superpower to your notes with formatting options.

Typography Options Add emojis Footnotes Code Block Highlighting Link Previews How to fold headers and lists

Web clip and links

Link all the things… now with previews

Web Clipper Wiki Links Backlinks Link Preview Tag & Wiki Links Autocomplete

Images and files

Your notes deserve more than text

Insert Attachments Photos, GIFs, and PDFs Play Gifs Add Sketch to Your Notes
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Organize with tags

The all-mighty # is here to help

How tag works Nested tags Rename and Delete tags TagCons Export your tags


Simple but powerful tools for finding what you need, now

Search and Replace Search Your Notes Search in Attachments


There's a world outside of the Bear's apps

Browser Extensions Apple Watch Widgets Siri Shortcuts App Support Sharing Extension

Note safety

We care about privacy, your privacy.

Sync & Privacy Backup and Restore Encryption Bear App Locking GDPR
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Some solutions to common problems.

Sync Troubleshooting Conflicted Notes Bear's Database

Still in trouble? Look for answers on the blog, forum or drop us a line.

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